How God Speaks

Recently my brother posed the question, “Does God speak?”

Since I know that God does speak I guess to me the question is, “How does God speak?”

As I thought more about this and the various ways we each let God lead in our lives I came to this idea of conclusion.

Could it be that God is as active in guiding our choices as we let Him be?

One person believes God has given him the wisdom to make wise choices and as he seeks to please God he believes that God has so guided his choices.

Another person is continually going to God in prayer throughout their day- trusting every little worry and concern to Him.

God leads both persons, but in different ways. In the ways that person has let Him do so- in the way that person needs.

What do you say, how does God lead you?

One thought on “How God Speaks

  1. Lately, we have heard God speaking in so many ways….through His amazing Word, through answered prayer, through books, through His creation, through dreams and visions, through music…. I LOVE HOW HE CAPTURES OUR ATTENTION!!! Usually, that is….


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